OK Farm Report: Frank Lucas Continues to Pound the Podium over Cap and Trade
Fairly soon after he took on the role of the Ranking member of the House Ag Committee, Congressman Frank Lucas began issuing a weekly "Ag Minute" designed as a short editorial from the lawmaker on various subjects. This week during his "Ag Minute" Ranking Member Frank Lucas highlights how cap and tax legislation jeopardizes our safe, abundant, and affordable food and fiber supply.
Lucas praises farmers and ranchers for producing a safe and abundant food supply, but then says "cap and tax legislation threatens that safe, abundant and affordable food and fiber supply. The agriculture industry, as we know it, will not survive under the heavy burdens of a cap and tax policy. This week the Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research will hold two important hearings to learn more about the economic impact of climate change legislation. Witnesses are expected to highlight and discuss various studies that have been completed on the costs of cap and trade on the agriculture industry."
The Congressman from Roger Mills County concludes his comments by saying "the agriculture industry and rural America cannot afford the devastating economic effects of cap and tax."
The hearings that Lucas refers to will include testimony from USDA Chief Economist Dr. Joe Glauber, who will provide additional details on USDA’s analysis of Cap and Trade on farmers and ranchers. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack will use a News Teleconference this morning as a bully pulpit to promote the Obama Administration’s ideas on Climate Change- in advance of that testimony. And, we hope to visiting with Congressman Lucas about this and other issues later this morning as well. In fact, if you have a burning question for Mr. Lucas, drop me an email and I will try to get it asked and have an answer for you.