Ranking Member Frank Lucas Thanks Scientific Community For Their COVID-19 Response

Apr 23, 2020
Washington, DC – House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas released a video today thanking the scientific community for their work responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you to the scientific community for your tireless work on the COVID-19 response
“The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike any other challenge we’ve ever faced. America’s scientists and researchers are stepping up to fight this virus and protect our economy,” Lucas said. “From approving disinfectants that can kill the novel coronavirus, to using supercomputers to model and understand the virus at the molecular level, to supporting the small manufacturers that are the lifeblood of our economy, our entire federal scientific community is doing essential work to keep Americans healthy and safe. I want to thank the researchers, across all federal agencies and academic partners, who are working non-stop to address these challenges. In these extraordinary times, federal support for the scientific community will lead the United States to emerge more knowledgeable, more resilient, and the continued leader in science and technology innovation.”
Scientists across the Federal government are collaborating at an unprecedented level to find solutions to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Simultaneously, STEM professionals continue to maintain fundamental research goals which are essential for long-term recovery from this crisis.
Notably, the Department of Energy National Labs are leveraging high performance computing and other scientific infrastructure to understand and model the virus, screen treatments, and coordinate expanded resources for scientists responding to COVID-19. The EPA has approved 374 disinfectants in the last month.  NSF has approved 141 emergency grants for critical research so that scientists can begin work immediately. And the National Institute of Standards and Technology is enabling small and medium-sized manufacturers to produce personal protective equipment through the Manufacturing Extension Partnership program.
Thank you to the scientific enterprise for your tireless work on the COVID-19 response.


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