Lucas Votes for NDAA on 249th Birthday of U.S. Army

Washington, DC – Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Lucas voted in favor of the legislation.  

“Today, on the 249th birthday of the U.S. Army, House Republicans fulfilled our duty to support America’s servicemembers and bolster our national security. Not only does the FY25 NDAA protect Oklahoma installations and military families, but it also ensures America’s military readiness is at full strength amidst increased global instability,” said Congressman Frank Lucas. “I join Oklahomans everywhere in applauding House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers for his efforts in passing this legislation and ensuring it includes critical funding for Oklahoma’s Third District.” 


The NDAA passed the House today 217-199 and now heads to the Senate. It includes:

  • A 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted servicemembers and supports a 4.5% pay raise for all other servicemembers.
  • Continued training program of the KC-135 program at Altus Air Force Base. 
  • Border security funds to conduct cyber operations to disrupt cartels/trafficking. 


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