Lucas Supports Resolution to Hold Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Frank Lucas today voted in favor of a resolution to hold former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official, Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress. Lucas made the following statement after the resolution passed the House with a 231 to 187 vote.
“The U.S. House Committees on Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform have worked tirelessly to uncover startling facts revealing the IRS unfairly targeted conservatives who were seeking tax exempt status,” said Lucas. “These committees have given Lois Lerner multiple opportunities to comply with Congressional inquiries and come forward with relevant information in the IRS scandal; however she has failed to cooperate. Due to Lerner’s actions, I believe it was necessary for the House to pass this resolution to hold her in contempt of Congress. It is my hope that she will now cooperate with Congressional authorities and come forward with pertinent information regarding this scandal. It is critical that all the facts are revealed and the trust of the American people is restored.”