Lucas Statement on President Obama’s First Hundred Days

Apr 28, 2009

Washington, DCTomorrow marks President Obama’s first one hundred days in office.  Below are Congressman Lucas’ comments on the President’s first one hundred days in office.

“Rather than following through with his campaign promise of “hope and change,” the President has used his first hundred days to establish a fiscal agenda of “borrow and spend.”  From bailouts for irresponsible banks on the east and west coast to the $787 billion economic ‘stimulus’ package, the President’s spending spree has raised this country’s national debt over $600 billion since he took office.  And it appears there is no end in sight.  He has proposed, and Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team are about to pass, the largest budget in our history.  At a whopping price tag of $3.6 trillion, the President’s budget will increase taxes by $1.4 trillion and is estimated to increase the national debt $12 trillion over the next ten years. 

“In addition, the Obama administration has proven to be the most unfriendly administration to our farmers and ranchers in recent history.  There have been more efforts to undermine the 2008 Farm Bill, than to fully implement it starting with efforts to eliminate direct payments and to force all farmers to release their tax returns before receiving support payments.  Now, the EPA is issuing endangerment findings formally declaring carbon and other greenhouse gases, such as methane, as a pollutant.  This paves the way for the EPA to regulate anything and everything that emits carbon or other greenhouse gases including livestock.  The very real possibility of this administration proposing a ‘cow tax’ is why I proposed legislation to protect our livestock producers.

“Our country is currently facing serious challenges that must be met with real solutions- and recklessly spending borrowed money while raising taxes during an economic recession is not a real solution.  I suppose there are some in the media who will give the President style points for his speaking ability, but style only goes so far.  It’s substance that determines the fate of an administration.  And so far this administration’s substance has been comprised of irresponsible borrowing, spending, and taxing.  As we head into President Obama’s next 100 days, I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to represent the voice of farmers and rural America, fight against tax increases, and encourage the President to return to a policy of fiscal responsibility.”

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