Lucas Joins Congressman Emmer Sending Letter to Protect Community Banks from Burdensome Regulation

Sep 20, 2021

Washington, D.C.- Last week, Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03) joined Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) sending a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ways and Means Chair Neal, Department of Treasury Secretary Yellen, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Rettig to express concern with a recent IRS data collection proposal that will increase tax information reporting requirements on financial institutions.

Specifically, the IRS proposal would impose significant compliance costs on community banks and credit unions, infringe on the privacy of millions of Americans, and further exacerbate the banked/unbanked/underbanked divide.

“The recent spending proposal to include new tax information reporting requirements for financial institutions would not only impose significant compliance costs on our banks, credit unions, and related financial institutions that have served as the backbone of this economy these past 18 months, but also infringe on the privacy of millions of Americans,” wrote the lawmakers.

The lawmakers continued, “Specifically, such a proposal would require financial institutions and other financial services providers report information about the outflows and inflows on accounts over $600 to the IRS every year. However, financial institutions currently report a tremendous amount of data to the IRS, and no evidence has shown that the proposed requirements would substantially aid the IRS’s efforts to close the tax gap beyond the information already at the IRS’s disposal. 

“Not only would such an overly comprehensive IRS database require significant resources to build, maintain, and protect, but it would make the personal, financial data of millions of Americans vulnerable to attack. Considering the IRS experiences 1.4 billion cyberattacks annually and has experienced multiple data breaches, we should not give this agency additional sensitive data to manage.”

Read the letter here.


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