Lucas Announces ODA’s ‘Back to School with a Healthy Smile’ Event
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Frank Lucas today announced the Oklahoma Dental Association (ODA) is hosting an event on Wednesday, July 31, called ‘Back to School with a Healthy Smile’. This is a new ODA program that provides free dental screenings to elementary school children just weeks before they return to school.
“I am pleased the Oklahoma Dental Association is hosting this new event for families in Oklahoma,” said Lucas. “This program will allow parents the opportunity to gain knowledge about their child’s dental health and get their children prepared for the school year by offering free dental screenings. I encourage all Oklahomans to participate in this event on Wednesday.”
The ODA’s 'Back to School with a Healthy Smile' event helps combat poor oral health among Oklahoma’s children. Dentists across the state have signed up to provide free dental exams at their individual offices to elementary school children. For a list of dentists participating and more information, visit the ODA web site at