Lucas Advocates for Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Calls on ATF to Withdraw Stabilizing Brace Guidance
Washington, DC – Earlier this week, Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03) joined in sending a letter led by Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-08) to United States Attorney General Merrick Garland and Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Marvin Richardson urging the Department of Justice to withdraw proposed guidance on Stabilizing Braces.
In their letter, the Members outlined that the ATF has repeatedly stated, “the brace concept was inspired by the needs of disabled combat veterans who still enjoy recreational shooting but could not reliably control heavy pistols without assistance.” As the ATF acknowledges there are legitimate uses for certain stabilizing braces, the letter points out that including a $200 tax in its rule is not an attempt to curb gun violence as suggested, but a direct tax on disabled combat veterans.
“This proposed guidance is alarming and jeopardizes the rights of law-abiding gun owners and disabled combat veterans across the country,” the Members wrote. “Should this guidance go into effect, a disabled combat veteran who has chosen the best stabilizing brace for their disability is now a felon unless they turn in or destroy the firearm, destroy the brace, or pay a $200 tax. Furthermore, it could make millions of law-abiding citizens felons overnight.”
Read the entire letter here.