Let Us Give Thanks

Nov 19, 2009
Frankly Speaking

There is much to be concerned about in this day and age.  Our economy continues to suffer.  The unemployment rate continues to rise.  And we continue to be under the threat of terrorist attacks and home and abroad.

But there is also much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  The United States of America is still the greatest country in the world – a beacon of hope and freedom for those who are oppressed around the world.  And we are blessed to live here, work here, and raise our families here.  There are places in the world where people live without freedom, without hope, and without security. 

As I gather around my dinner table this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family and my friends.  I am thankful to live in the great state of Oklahoma.  I am thankful for the brave men and women who serve in our Armed Forces and who risk their lives every day to protect all of us from harm and to guarantee our freedom and our way of life.  Many will not be able to spend this holiday with their families.  And I am thankful to live in a country where I am free to worship as I choose free to express my views and ideas without fear of persecution.

As you sit around your Thanksgiving table, I encourage you to take a moment and remember all that you have to be thankful for this holiday, and to continue to keep them in mind as we face our challenges together. 

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