House Ag Republicans Named by Congressman Lucas

House Ag Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas has announced the Republican membership of the committee. Tennessee's Phil Roe, Missouri's Blaine Luetkemeyer and Pennsylvania's Glenn Thompson are new to the committee. One vacancy remains. Among those continuing to serve are former Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte, Sam Graves of Missouri, Steve King of Iowa, Randy Neugebauer of Texas, Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska.

Lucas says the nation's farmers and ranchers are facing significant challenges – including higher input costs, increased regulation and devastating disasters. He says he will work with his colleagues to ensure farmers and ranchers have the tools they need to produce a safe, affordable and abundant food supply. Subcommittee assignments and leadership will be announced as those decisions are finalized.

The House Ag Committee Republicans includes the following:
Frank Lucas, Ranking Member, (OK-3)
Bob Goodlatte (VA-6)
Jerry Moran (KS-1)
Timothy V. Johnson (IL-15)
Sam Graves (MO-6)
Mike Rogers (AL-3)
Steve King (IA-5)
Randy Neugebauer (TX-19)
Virginia Foxx (NC-5)
K. Michael Conaway (TX-11)
Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1)
Jean Schmidt (OH-2)
Adrian Smith (NE-3)
Robert E. Latta (OH-5)
Phil Roe (TN-1)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9)
Glenn W. Thompson (PA-5)
* One Vacancy Remains

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