Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2008
Frankly Speaking

While our country is currently facing uncertain economic times, we still have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  There are those in this world who live in countries where food is scarce, corrupt and oppressive regimes control every aspect of life, safety is a feeling most have never known, and freedom is word rarely used.  Those images are hard to imagine in this country that has long-served as a beacon for hope and freedom across the world.  We have much to be thankful for in America, and should reflect upon those things this Thanksgiving and give thanks for all that we have.  

One thing we can all be thankful for are the men and women serving in our Armed Forces and our security forces here at home.  They risk their lives each and every day to protect us from harm, and guarantee our freedom and our way of life.  Their sacrifices allow all Americans to feel safe and secure this Thanksgiving.  With so many of them half a world away from their families this holiday season, we must keep them in our thoughts and prayers on this day of thanks.

I know that there is much to be concerned about, and the next Congress and Administration face challenges on multiple fronts.  However, as you sit around your Thanksgiving table, I encourage you to take a moment and remember all that you have to be thankful for this holiday, and to continue to keep them in mind as we begin to face those challenges together. 

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