Congressman Frank Lucas Statement on Sequestration

Feb 26, 2013

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Frank Lucas today made the following statement on sequestration, which is set to take effect March 1. 

“I am disappointed President Obama and leaders in the Senate have yet to come up with a solution to replace the sequester,” said Congressman Frank Lucas. “The House has already acted twice to replace sequestration with commonsense spending cuts that do not unfairly target the U.S. Department of Defense. While our country is still fighting a war in Afghanistan, it is imperative that we prevent harmful cuts to national defense.

“In the Third District we have Altus and Vance Air Force Bases, which both play a crucial role in protecting the United States and keeping jobs in Oklahoma. Our country depends on these military installments to protect each and every American citizen, and we must do everything possible to prevent these automatic cuts from taking place.

“It has been nearly four years since the Senate has produced a budget. I believe at this time when we are facing a national deficit over $16.6 trillion, it is time for the President and the Senate to follow our lead in the House and produce a budget with rational spending cuts that will replace these harmful automatic spending cuts.”


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