China Task Force Report Outlines Strategies to Address Growing Threat from Chinese Communist Party

Sep 30, 2020

Washington, D.C. – Today, the China Task Force released a detailed policy blueprint to counter the growing global threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). 

The China Task Force was comprised of 15 members representing 11 committees in the U.S. House of Representatives, including House Science, Space, and Technology Committee members Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) and Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL). 

The Task Force conducted a thorough analysis of the CCP’s activities in six key areas: ideological competition, supply chain security, national security, technology, economics and energy, and competitiveness. Many recommendations, particularly on technology and competitiveness, represent priorities and legislation from Science Committee Republicans. 


Ranking Member Frank Lucas praised the report and its recommendations, which are largely bipartisan. “The threat we face from the Chinese Communist Party is one of our greatest generational challenges. The decisions we make now will have a lasting impact for decades to come,” Lucas said. “The CCP intends to surpass us as the frontrunner in scientific knowledge and technological development, and they’re committing extensive resources to crucial technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum information sciences, critical mineral development, and advanced manufacturing. Our continued global competitiveness requires us to invest in next-generation technologies and to protect our research from theft. I’ve introduced comprehensive legislation to double U.S. funding for basic research, improve our research infrastructure, and focus our efforts on the most important industries of the future. I’m glad that the Task Force recommended passing this bill—H.R. 5685, the bipartisan Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act. I especially want to thank Representative Anthony Gonzalez and Representative Michael Waltz for their contributions to this report. They’ve both done exceptional work to support American research and development, and to position our country to continue to lead the world in scientific innovation.” 


Rep. Gonzalez served as a co-chair of the pillars on Competitiveness, and Economics and Energy for the China Task Force and helped to craft and promote a number of policy and legislative proposals included in the report, including recommendations to promote U.S. leadership in emerging technologies and U.S. influence around the world.

“I firmly believe that the Chinese Communist Party is one of the largest threats facing our country today, and if we hope to protect our future economic success and national security, we must take action now to significantly recalibrate our relationship with the People’s Republic of China and work to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable on the global stage,” said Congressman Gonzalez. “From their persistent abuse of international organizations and agreements, to their neglect for the human rights of their own people and the deadly mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic that has now claimed the lives of over one million people, the Chinese Communist Party has demonstrated blatant irresponsibility and malign intent that cannot be allowed to continue unchecked to the detriment of the American people, our livelihoods, and our businesses.”


Rep. Waltz served as a co-chair of the pillars on Competitiveness and Ideological Competition and among his other Task Force work, has championed legislation to secure America’s supply of critical minerals, which are necessary for technological development and national security. 

“Critical minerals make America’s technologies run,” Waltz said. “We use these technologies every day to operate our cell phones, power our military’s defense aircraft and to generate clean energy. It’s dangerous to be too reliant on another country for these minerals, especially one like China, which has threatened to cut off access to them. We need to bring our supply chain back to America – and I’m glad to see the China Task Force recommending my bill to do that.”


  • Doubling the funding of basic science and technology research over the next 10 years.
  • Increasing coordination and funding for STEM education to create a more capable, skilled workforce. 
  • Maintaining a U.S. presence in low-Earth orbit, returning U.S. astronauts to the Moon, charting a future path for human exploration of Mars, and maintaining a steady commitment to space science missions.
  • Strengthening the protection of sensitive research at America’s colleges and universities and leading research institutions which includes restricting all federal employees and contractors from participating in foreign talent programs.
  • Requiring colleges and universities to annually report all donations from the PRC.
  • Overhauling the federal permitting process for mineral development and prioritizing advancements in mineral refining so neither industry nor the Defense Industrial Base are reliant on the CCP.
  • Continuing to advance U.S. energy security in order to be a global counter against the PRC, particularly on the nuclear energy front.


The China Task Force conducted more than 60 briefings with current and former top administration officials on both sides of the aisle, business executives, Ambassadors, and various outside experts. In total, the CTF engaged with more than 130 leaders to listen to their insights and solutions. After months of virtual and socially distanced, in-person classified and unclassified briefings, the CTF drafted this report with 82 key findings and more than 400 forward leaning recommendations.

The CTF prioritized recommendations that have bipartisan support and have already moved forward in the legislative process. As a result, well over half of the legislative recommendations are bipartisan and more than one-third have passed either the House or the Senate. 




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